Success in Work

Affirmations are a powerful way to create a positive flow of energy and change in our lives. They accomplish this by helping us to reprogram our subconscious and to release old thought/belief patterns.

We have been taught that “success” requires hard work, and that we must “work hard” to have financial freedom. It is time to learn something different as this is nothing but a limiting belief pattern that has been repeated in the collective for generations upon generations.

Work may take on many, many different forms - and there are all types of compensation (money is only one form of energetic compensation).

It is time to recognize that everything you do is part of your sacred path and purpose. Our work is to come into alignment with self. Through this self-discovery and conscious awareness, we find what inspires us and find ways to follow that inspiration into business.

Additionally, your work/business is sacred, and each business has a consciousness. Whether you own your own business or work for someone else, you have the ability to communicate with the soul of the business, as well as your soul. You have the ability to work in partnership with this business so that you may both benefit through energetic flow - even if that flow leads you to discover that you are ready for something different.

Take a deep breath into your heart center. Repeat the foregoing affirmation three times in the morning and three times before bed. Either in your meditation or throughout your day, consider:

Are you willing to reframe your conception of work?

Are you willing to engage with the consciousness of your business (or the one you work for)?

Are you willing to allow work to be fulfilling and ease-filled?

Are you willing to allow that it doesn’t have to be hard?

Are you willing to allow yourself to receive financial compensation for your work? Are you willing to release any other limiting beliefs around money that you may have?

This type of reframing will allow us to step forward into so much more freedom - and more into alignment with our natural state. It will help work and money to flow to us and through us. It will help us to align with work that is purposeful and meaningful. We will also be able to experience more joy in work and receive greater financial success.

As my dear teachers Marilyn and Adironnda frequently say, play plus work equals “PLURK.” This is the new way of working and is available to us all. Does this idea appeal to you? Are you ready to try? How can you begin today?




Golden Orange Dragon